Friday, April 3, 2015

Hard work versus inspiration.

Writing a blog has turned out to be harder than I anticipated. I mean I have been writing for years, articles, essays, reports, fun little short stories, heck, I have even written a few poems in my time. The difference was that most of those were assignments that someone gave me, or were ideas that I had pitched to magazines, etc…

Now that I have to come up with my own ideas that have to appeal to a range of readers and even more so, try to attract new readers. I could write about my latest project for Rock Rabbit Enterprises or I could give an update on what I’m making to sell under the Llama Hardware business. The problem is, I am not sure anyone really cares what I’m making unless they are already in the market for something for their llamas.

Sure there are people buying the new packs or halters I’m making, but is my writing really what sells those? No, it’s not. You, my readers do look at the projects that I carve or turn, but I don’t’ think man of you really are interested in purchasing those items. I am just hoping that you are at least passing word along and letting others know I’m making things they could use for their homes.

So where is this leading you ask? I guess it’s leading to whether this blog is worth doing? Will anyone care if I don’t continue to write this blog? Will “I” care if I don’t write another blog? Let’s just say, Yes. It’s not that I see a lot of sales being generated from this blog, but that’s not why I started it to start with. I started it because I can’t not write. It’s in my system, I have to write. Now, what I write does change and most of it will never see the light of day, and will absolutely not see this blog, but sometimes, just sometimes I take the time to share things on here, and if only one or two of you actually read them, well so be it.

I’m told that writing is an art, that my wood work is an art, and perhaps it is, but it’s also a lot of work at times. And it’s the work aspect of it that brought on this, and Yes I admit it, this long and boring post. But now that I have some of the starving artist aspect out of my system I’m over it for now and ready to go back to the artistic part of making “art.” Thank you all for taking the time to read this and put up with the downside of my art.