Thursday, May 14, 2015

Careful what you say

We all know that putting certain things on the internet can have bad consequences. Don’t post that you will be out of town, don’t put out to much information so that hackers can figure out your passwords, etc…
What may not be as clear is that sometimes even good news can be used against you. After recent events in our life, that we thought were good, we posted on Face book, on my business web site, etc… only to have those posts end up costing us money.
The old saying of “don’t post anything you wouldn't want your grandmother to know” is a good one, but in this case, it was something we would have told grandma, and thought it was simply everyday conversation. It’s a sad state of life in the world when even minor comments in a conversation (online or not) can cost you money and time.
Where is the leading you ask? My goal is simply to get you to thinking about every post, every comment you make on someone else’s page, anywhere on line. Is it something that could come back to bite you? Is it worth the end cost?  If it is, then by all means post it. I understand that everyone has different opinions on many subjects, and a good discussion on a wide range of subjects is something we need to have.
Sometimes however, it’s just best to think things through and have those conversations in person, where you know with certainty that what is said will not get to parties that you don’t want to have that info.
Perhaps Face book and other internet based pages need to come with a Miranda warning: Anything you say, can and Will, be used against you!