Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Joe's wake in NE Oregon

We are putting together the last of the plans for Joe’s wake on Friday, August 2. Some of the things we anticipated doing are not going to happen due to the high fire danger. Something we did not consider when planning this in March. The main consideration at that time was that we knew we would not be able to get where we wanted to go in March.
Several things are falling into place though, and we will be spreading his ashes in the place he drew pictures of for years. The book that we put together is printed out and we will have that in camp as well for others to read and add their own stories to those we have in there.
The photo below was taken on one of our last family trips and is at Kootenai Falls near Libby MT. Joe thought it would be a good photo if he licked the ice drop off this tree. Soon after he was spitting and sputtering something about "that tastes awful!" 

Once everyone that is interested has written their own story of knowing Joe in there, we will add it to the book on the computer and make copies available though an online and on demand publisher for everyone that would like to have their own copy. The size and number of books printed will ultimately set the cost, but they will not be any higher than the average “coffee table” book, which what we designed this to be at the end of the day.
This is a photo we took in April to make sure we had the right place in mind. There is a "road" that crosses the ridge in front of the pickup, just above that first bit of snow at the bottom center of the picture. It then drops down and goes up on that little brown knob to the central right in the photo. To the left of that, where the road end, is a place in the valley between those peaks that we hiked to with the boys after we first adopted them. We could hear water under the rock slide,but never could get to where we could see any water. So, that is forever "Rock Lake" in our family. Have never taken the time to look up what it is really called, it does not matter to us. 

For anyone reading this that did not get an invitation, we apologize up front, it was a trying spring and there are those that we missed that even we wonder how we did… The wake is being held off of the “77” road in NE Oregon. If you don’t know where that is, contact us directly and we will give you directions.
Several of Joe’s friends are driving in from MT and a few are even flying down from AK to attend. Rough numbers show that there should be around 50 people there on Friday with a few more that might show up and we don’t have word from as of this date.
We have several things that might happen, depending on desire of those attending and of course, the fire danger. There Will be great stories of Joe and his exploits, his early life and how he lived it to the fullest. We will have shooting of various firearms, bows, and motorcycles there to ride and great food! We will be toasting to Joe, but this is not going to be a traditional wake beyond that point.

Hope to see you all there and hear stories of Joe’s life that we have not had a chance to share previously and under better circumstances! 
This is a photo that shows Joe as the great young man he had become and yet still shows the energy and mischief that we all remember! Feel free to share how you remember Joe in comments below or by sending me an email... or better yet, in person at his wake! 

                                                    LOVE YOU JOE!

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