Wednesday, June 11, 2014

End of phase one, start of phase 2!

            Well, today was the last day that Barb will be here to help me learn all the tricks to making the Flaming Star products. With her expertise and time we both feel like I have a pretty good handle on how to make everything in the product line now. How fast I make them will only increase with the number of them I make.
            She leaves for home early tomorrow and I get to finish up three halters before starting the process of loading up our trailer for 2 weeks away from the shop. I have potential orders from France as well as here nearer to home. Just waiting on them to figure out exactly what they want.
            The next two weeks will be used to recoup some much need time with my wonderful wife, and other family members. We will end the time at the Rendezvous before heading home to start on all the new orders. I will have stuff with me to work on while away, but won’t be spending 10-12 hours a day on them like I have the last couple months.
            Now starts the process of research and development for the new products I want to add to the Flaming Start Expedition gear line. Rifle, bow , and fishing rod carriers that will quick attach/ detach from the Flaming Star pack saddle system. Have always wanted a system to attach my float tube to my pack system as well. Bungee cords do the job, but they are not all that user friendly and it only worked on the one tube design. I want something more universal in design.
            If you have ever wanted something specific for your packing system now is the time to send me the idea. I’m not going to guarantee that I’m make them a production item, but I might. Big or small, complicated or simple, let me know what you are thinking and I’ll give it a go!

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