Tuesday, November 24, 2015


I’m sure every person that does a blog suffers from some sort of “subject” mania. Either not enough subjects, or too many, or perhaps they, like me have some great ideas for their blog in the middle of the night that retreat with the shadows when the sun comes up?

The tablet beside the bed idea is a good one, if you don’t need glasses to see, don’t mind turning on a light, etc. etc… I have tried writing in the dark without my glasses…. Sometimes I can make out what I was writing, but most often it’s just hen scratches!

Perhaps a digital recorder will do that job? Or perhaps that will wake up Lynn and then the topic in mind will for sure be gone.

Current projects in the shop include (but are not limited to) Cribbage boards, natural log votive candle holders, ring holders, spatulas, bottle stoppers, more bowls of course, fan pulls, a carved burl bowl(s), a natural log ring mirror, a couple of “paw” table tops, a multi-curved wine bottle holder, and snowmen of a couple different styles, never a shortage of projects. Perhaps I need to make each of those a blog post.

From idea to completion, with photos, anyone interest in that idea? 


  1. Would really like to see a "how to" blog! I enjoy seeing how other people work.

  2. Would really like to see a "how to" blog! I enjoy seeing how other people work.
