Saturday, May 7, 2016

Promote, Promote, PROMOTE!

As you, my faithful readers know, I have two “at home” businesses that I’m trying to turn into something that makes something in the resemblance of an income. While one really Needs to do so, and I’m gaining, the other is more of a hobby status right now.

Everyone that I talk to about this, the Small Business Development Center (SBDC), the Service Corp of Retired Business Executives (SCORE) says it’s is simply a matter of greater promotion, more advertising, getting my businesses Know and my product in front of people. Simple to say, not so easy to do I’m finding. I do have a meeting next week with the SBDC to work on it in greater detail. It’s a slow process it seems when I am not a slow process personality.

 To that end, I’m back to doing more blog posts, getting photos of my product up in a regular basis, and doing as much promotion as I can, with little to no budget. So, that brings me to how to do that… for now, it has to be word-0f-mouth… a.k.a., YOU!

So my friends, would you please help me with this? All I ask is that you share my blog posts, my posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram… If you have accounts on those and I am not following you, please let me know, I’ll change that Now. If you know of any online stores that might be better than Etsy, let me know. I’ll check them out. I’m finding that it takes a ton of inventory to sell in more than one place and am working on correcting that as well. If you know of someone that has mentioned having something specific built/ made, give them my contact info, I can do a lot of different projects.

Thank you for your time and, please, share my info far and wide, as often as you can!

The latest batch of darning eggs for my fiber arts customers.

A cedar post vase, with glass tube so you can add water, it's more than just a bud vase.

A few of my tea light center pieces. Making up your table for a holiday or just family dinner, these add that touch of class you need to make it a Wow event. 

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