Tuesday, July 19, 2011

First post

I have been told by several of my friends that blog that I should start one myself... so here is a lesson everyone, be careful what you ask for!

I'm still working on finishing up my thesis and doing research to that end. A week of working on my brother-in-law's roof delayed that somewhat and the week after that with Lynn off, we worked on "fun" stuff and stayed home. That was productive for things getting done around the house and in the shop, but didn't do much for the thesis. Back to it some yesterday and more planned for today.

Thanks to a new friend (Bill Nickel) here in Kalispell I now have some of my wood turnings for sale at a store in town. 'Think Local' offers space for local artists to sell their work and take a small % of the sales. Since I have only had stuff in there for less than a day I don't know how well things will sell, but I know that Bill has sold several bowls and plates over the last couple weeks. I have a few boxes and a couple plates in there so I am not direct competition with Bills stuff. A couple of 10" plates made from Walnut that Robert was able to get for me are probably the best pieces there. Photos of them are on my flickr.com site.

On Sunday my neighbor, Andy Reed, and I went on a ride with the trials motorcycles up the Six Mile trail near Swan Lake. We were only able to make it about 3.6 miles on the 4.6 mile trail before we ran into snow over the trail and had to turn back. It was his first trip on a trials motorcycle so this was an ok thing. In a few weeks we plan a return trip with the hopes of making a 20 mile loop and coming down on another trial head. Photos and video of that trip are also on my flickr page.

Ok, that should be enough to see if this "blogging" is worth the effort. If you read this, please let me know by making a comment and I'll use those comments to see how often or if I need to continue.


  1. Suggestion - add pics of work work by embedding the flickr html code! It's nice to follow the happenings of those around me...keep at it!

  2. Ok, as you can see, my attempt to embed failed.. how do I do that?

  3. when viewing your photo on flickr....select "share" and click on embed code, copy the code and as you're typing your posting, just paste the code where you want it...it will look strange...a bunch of words with nonsense pasted in there...but when you publish it-- it will be fine.

  4. Definitely needs pictures! As the daughter of a woodworker, I need to see grain! Shape! Polish!

  5. "A-team" check out the 2nd and 3rd post! Plenty of photos,but the only grain is in Live trees... for now.

  6. I'm reading...keep writing.
