Saturday, January 11, 2014


            This has been a full week, but yet I don’t seem to have accomplished all that I wanted to accomplish. This morning while I was filing away some plans and photos that I have found from various wood working magazines, and web sites advertised in magazines I started thinking about how that might have happened and how to change it.
            Perhaps it’s the curse of a creative mind, perhaps it’s just my own personal lack of focus, I don’t know and frankly, it won’t make much difference in the end, the projects are not getting done. I start on a project and it gets to a stage where I need to let it dry or where my back says it needs to wait for another day. I move on to a different project and the process continues. Pretty soon I have 4, 5, 10 different projects in the works and None of them are getting finished.
            Add to that, projects that are long term, like the making of our own turning tools. What was metal cut to length is now back from the machine shop and ready for heat treating. That means either firing up the forge or sending it out to a commercial outfit. Not liking the cost of shipping the tools out I started looking for a local person. That took a chunk of time, but one guy came to light. He is now treating two of our tools as a sample. That means that project is on hold again for at least a week, maybe more.
            Trying to promote the business via the Etsy page The Flickr page, my Twitter account @RockRabbitEnt and of course this blog and the Tumbler Blog takes a big chunk of time as does Pinterest, both “Pinning” my own work as well as looking for ideas from others.
            Ok, so now we know why I’m not getting projects done, but how does this connect you to you, my reader? If you will simply reply with what projects you think I should finish next you will have done your good deed for the day and can go about your day feeling better about yourself for having done so… Think of it as a “pay it forward” kind of thing.
            The list below represents a majority of the projects in the “works” at the moment. The one that gets the most votes by Monday morning will get moved to the top of the list and get finished before I start even one more project. Here in random order they are:

1. Double Decker bowls (started in the last blog)
2. Seven turned bowls of various woods
3. Darning eggs
4. Rolling pins
5. Niddy Noddy (used for winding yarn into skeins)
6. Carved heart sculpture out of Juniper
7. Pea pod legged dish out of Walnut
8. Alder carved bowl
9. Carved horse head bowl
10. Leaf pattern carved on Cedar bowl.


  1. I'ld like to see #10 completed but I am also interested in promotion of #3.

  2. I know the feeling Richard, I go out to work on a project, unlock the garage and before getting my boots laced up my mind thinks of something totally different that seems to need my attention. But then I look at my workbench and remember a jig that I have partially finished and decide to work on it instead. So maybe I'm nuts or absentminded or both !

  3. Go with the darning eggs. Should be quick to finish and that sense of satisfaction will fuel flames enthusiasm for the rest of the list.

  4. OK, looks like darning eggs it is! Oh, I did make the juniper heart sculpture yesterday, just couldn't get it out of my mind so I started working on it. Will be finished this afternoon. Look for photos of all the work on my next blog later this week.
