Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Swamped versus Time

            I think it’s an old discussion for almost any one that owns a business. Would you rather be swamped and never have time to do research and development?
            Being swamped is good for me in that I’m new to this business and it allows me to perfect the process of making the many products already in my catalog. I can make the details a part of my memory and not have to rely on the written instructions as much. And it allows me to pay for the business and purchase more supplies for more orders down the road. I have also been making an extra item or two when I figured it wouldn’t take much more time. Having an item here and an item there to add to “stock” will help me fill orders quicker down the road and it takes less time to do an extra item when I already have the supplies out. The drawback is that I have limited space and I don’t want to get too many unfinished project scattered about either.
            However, part of what I want to do is to expand the line of items offered to include more gear that can be added on to the Flaming Star pack system. Bow and Rifle cases, fishing pole tubes, float tubes, axe or hatchet attachment systems… you get the idea, things you might take on your llama trek but are not offered from any of the makers of llama gear. To do that, I need time when I don’t have orders to fill. Keep checking back to my main page at: http://www.llamahardware.com for updates.
            The age old catch 22 of any business I’m sure. Add in the fact that I’m still trying to make items to post on my Etsy page for wood working https://www.etsy.com/shop/RockRabbitEnterprise and the list of items there is long as well… wonder if I could get myself cloned? No? Well it was a thought.
            Also, since I have been working long hours and generally 6 days a week, we decided to take a day off and Not stay home where we tend to go back to the shop and work ‘for just a little while.’ Take a look at the photos here to see some of the beautiful country Montana is known for and that we have not visited nearly enough recently. https://www.flickr.com/photos/rockrabbit/ The power of an avalanche is very impressive and is enough to make you think about where you go in the winter.

1 comment:

  1. Short, sweet (as it were), and thought provoking.

    All the ingredients of a good blog.
