Sunday, August 10, 2014

Division is Work

            And No, I don’t mean math. I’m talking about dividing my time between Llama Hardware, Rock Rabbit Enterprises and Life! I know I KNOW, sometimes you have to burn the candle at both ends to make a new business profitable, I have no issues with that.
            However, I Do want a bit of time that is not related to work and don’t want to make the wood working, which I Love, a drudgery type of work. There are too many projects floating around in my head that I Have to get either onto paper or better, out of a block of wood!
            The slabs that I purchased a couple months ago from the Glacier Woodturners Association are starting to come to life, and I have to get those done soon. The desire to see them in a finished format is good motivation to spend my evening hours working on them. Here they are in Rough form, but sanding to 120. Already set up with a friend who is a professional painter to get them shot with multiple coats of lacquer so I need to get them sanded to at least 320 and the bases built for those that are not going to be hanging on a wall.
Sorry the photos are so bad, the sunlight was bright and I was too lazy to set up the photo booth for Rough work.

I have a couple more small orders to get out for Llama Hardware and then I’m going to get started with a redesign of the web site. It will take me a few weeks to get it up (at least) but I want to get started. No, I Have started on it, I spend a couple hours today scanning photos into my computer so that I’ll be able to put photos of my trips on there, making it my web site.
Look for changes to happen a bit at a time, but they will happen. Unless I get swamped with orders, then this has to take a back burner. So, the time is being divided between the businesses pretty well, but my “free” time is suffering. This week I also have to spend All day Thursday at the Western Montana State Fair in Kalispell. I’ll be one of many members of the Glacier Woodturners Association showing the public how easy it is to turn a block of wood into something useful or at least pretty. We will also be making tops for the kids that are attending the fair as well. The only issue is that the other guys in the club have a fit if I bring in my “flat” work to display! It has to be turned at least Partly on the lathe to be shown! However, I CAN carve on them after they are turned!

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