Monday, September 22, 2014

Six Months!

            They say that if you are busy doing things that time seems to go by faster. After realizing that I have now owned Llama Hardware for nearly six months I guess I have to agree with that statement.
            While I have been busy learning how to make the products offered with the same quality as my predecessors, the time has been ticking along. While it seems like I just started, and in the long term, I have only just started, it has been nearly a full six months of rushing to get caught up on back orders, learn the book keeping system, and add some time for research and development (R&D) to develop some new products.
            While you are reading this there are a few new products out with fellow llama owners for testing and more on the books to get made up. As those are perfected I’ll start offering them on the web site. Some will have a big appeal, and others might have fewer people interested, but that’s what R&D is all about.
            Next on the list for R&D is a system to attach various items to the Flaming Star pack system. On the schedule for this week are adjustable strap for fishing pole, rifle, and bow cases. Since nearly everyone that uses those items has different equipment there must be a wide range of adjustment to allow for that personal choice. Overnight I believe I have came up with a system that will work but now I need to get a couple built and find some volunteers to test them out on their own items. First on the list will be straps for fishing poles (fall fishing is Fantastic) and I’ll follow that with the rifle / bow case system. With luck and a bit of time I’ll have these ready to sell by next spring so everyone can start conditioning their llamas while using those products.
            As part of this process I have been developing a new web site. Look for that to appear in the next month or so. Who knew that it would take so many hours of my time to develop. I don’t work on it unless I’m caught up on orders and thanks to everyone making orders I have not had that much time.
            More orders have came in over the weekend and I’ll be completing the orders from last week and getting started on those orders right away. Orders always take precedence over R&D.

            And now time has flown by while I’m writing this and it’s time to get to work filling those orders! 

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