Friday, September 12, 2014

R & D Time

There are many things to worry about when running a small business. Keeping up with orders, getting orders, keeping enough supplies on hand to fill orders, paying all the vendors for those supplies, the list is long.

So, when you are caught up on orders do you panic or do you use that time to do some Research and Development of new projects? I have decided to do that. R&D is best done when there is no orders that would be delayed if the time for R&D was done with them on the books.

Then there is a new add to develop, a web page that needs updating, bookwork that is ever demanding of my time. But those are always there so can’t be factored into the mix.
One of the first things on the list for R&D is a set of straps to hold golf bags on the Flaming Star saddle. After that I have an axe/ hatchet holder in mind, and with the recent proof near home that winter Is on the way, I have a dog coat to work on.

The list of things to build on the wood working side is even longer… A friend just got me hooked on chess sets again, and the idea of a ‘yard’ set is percolating. Just need to dig out the logs and see if I have enough of two kinds of wood for 16 pieces each to make them the size I want. I’m thinking pawns of 6” in diameter and 10-12” tall and the king 8 or 10” in diameter and close to 36” tall. That’s all the length I can do on my lathe and I’m thinking anything over that would be too heavy to move anyway.

Of course that means I need to design a chess board that is proportional in size as well. I’m guessing something in the range of 24” squares or a board 16 feet on a side… Hum, wonder if I can get sidewalk pavers that big?

Keep checking back for updates on all of the above or to suggest items for R&D that you would like to see. 


  1. Dog coat? Ok.
    Pavers do come in 24" square. Red and Gray.
    How about chain saw carving the pieces?

  2. "One" dog coat.. for JJ!
    Red and Gray would work, but I suppose they Could be painted black?
    I would have to invest in a different bar and chain to do that fine a carving. I already have the lathe and can use the chain saw teeth on my grinder for the shaping beyond that. The harder part is going to be gathering enough of the same kind of wood for 16 pieces of each....
