Sunday, April 13, 2014

Busy times continue!

            The shop is set up and I have been sewing like mad! Forty of the order of fifty five halters are done, and only three more need sewn. The rest are sewn, but waiting on the last three so I can burn the holes in the poll straps. Those should be done by the end of the day tomorrow.
            An order for four more Flaming Star packs came in two days ago from Switzerland! That’s an amazing order and I sure appreciate that they trust my skills enough to order them!
            The orders for driving harnesses are coming in as well, I’ll be starting on the back log of those on Tuesday and hope to have the back log of those finished by the end of the week or early next week. One more came in late today!
            While I am behind yet, I’m gaining speed every day (eleven halters sewn today, and it was a short day) and I am making progress. With the shop set up and working well, I can concentrate more on the sewing and less on getting it organized.
            Barb came in yesterday, and of course arrived just as the snow storm did. With snow coming out of the north and passing by at about 40 mph, it was Not fun getting her trailer pulled in to place. But, she is now set up and all is working well.
            If you have been thinking about ordering any llama products, but were waiting for me to get established and going, now is the time! While the wait might be a few weeks, with more orders coming in, that wait might be longer if you delay making the order!

            I also have some non-llama owning friends hinting that they have some projects they would like me to make, and I’ll be working on a couple of those as soon as the back log allows me Any free time! 


  1. Sounds like you might get to do some wood work in a month or two!

  2. Actually, the turning and carving club are doing a day long demo at the local lumber yard this coming Saturday... I'll get a bit of turning in during that!

  3. Making good progress, all steam ahead!!!!

  4. That's the plan Gayle, that's the Plan!

  5. With Barb there helping you, you will have the business running smooth in no time. Thanks for getting the halters done. I will look forward to doing more business with you.

  6. Thanks Clint. Your order was helpful in that it gave me enough numbers of halters to do once to get a routine down. We are working on 6 harness orders now, that's also allowing me to get a routine down. And Barb is working on instructions with photos so that if I don't do any given item for a few months, I'll have references to go back to...that slows the process a bit now, but will speed it up later.
